
Real name:Michael Sokolov
IRC nick:Msokolov
Home page:http://ivan.Harhan.ORG/~msokolov/

I am an engineer, a researcher, a truth seeker, a freedom fighter and a BBW admirer.
I firmly believe in magick and in the historical reality of lost civilisations such as Atlantis,
as well as the historical reality of interplanetary visitors in the distant past at the dawn of civilisation
who were here to assist us (the pagan gods and goddesses).

My life work has been to uncover the truth and to bring it to the people, to show everyone that a better way than our current barbaric reality is possible.
Furthermore, I strive to not only show that a better world is possible, but also to bring it about.
Read more on my home page.

I'm single and looking for a life partner. If you find my work, beliefs and goals to your liking, let's talk!


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