"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins"
  Former Justice of the Supreme Court
  Oliver Wendell Holmes7


Hello everyone..

Just a bit of history here to start. I created this channel in April of 2003 in response to the treatment of channel regulars and ops in the old channel by the person who took it over from the original founder (her boyfriend). Initially things were fine when he took over, but then he very suddenly seemed to get this God complex.

Nikki and I decided to leave and removed ourselves from the ops list.
Many of the ops asked us why we left, as did regulars. But the question came up, where will they go? I created this channel to allow those who wished to continue seeing their friends a place to go where they wouldn't be subjected to the kind of treatment they had received before.

Now, don't get me wrong, the other channel has since changed hands several times, and actually been shut down a couple of times, and the previous owner is no longer involved in any way. However, it isn't the "original" channel any longer.

Nikki and I, as founders, are in the precarious position of having to try to keep everyone satisfied.. Well, anyone who has ever had to deal with a diverse group of people know there is no way to satisfy everyone. The trick is to satisfy as many as possible without alienating those who aren't completely satisfied.

We have been accused of having too many rules. Yet, seems like those who do the accusing are the ones who just want to do whatever they want to do with no regard for anyone else. And they seem to have not even looked at the rules (maybe as an excuse to say they didn't know).

This channel has 9 rules. One of those rules is also a DALNet rule and another is a DALNet rule, but a little more strict.

The first DAL rule is no advertizing (spam). They kline people for this. I shouldn't have to put this into the channel rules, but there are some elements who just don't get it.

The other DAL rule is that channels can't exist for the primary purpose of sharing files.
This rule has been extended in this channel to mean no open file sharing. The reason for this is that the multiple CTCPs along with the notices sent to the channel are very disruptive.

The remainder of the rules deal with illegal activities, racism, bashing and privacy.

2 of the rules are really the same. Both deal with bashing.

There had been at one time a statement regarding PMs and asking before sending a PM to someone. Some individuals took this as an open invitation to bash anyone and everyone who sent them a PM without asking. The statement was discontinued due to this abuse by those persons. Still, some persisted. A couple of them got banned, and one thought they'd be smart and place their bashing statements in their quit message in an attempt to skirt around the rule. Instead of bashing someone in a regular chat line, they'd just quit and come right back in. When asked to remove it, they declined to do so. When warned it would lead to them being banned, they still refused to remove it, and got themselves and another, who shared the same address, banned in the process.

A couple of people who were banned decided to create their own channels. We have no problem with other channels, BBW or otherwise, unless they violate DALNet rules or our channel rules. There are 2 channels where the founders came into our channel and advertized to get people to go to their channel or to another channel. Those channels have been designated "known spam channel" and co-channeling with them will cause the script to kick and ban for 10 minutes anyone found to be in one of them. For those who go there, but have nothing to do with spamming, I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is nothing personal, just a spam fighting measure.

I began this note with a quote. Our channel rules are based on this quote.

We frequently get the phrase.. "I have the right to..." or "What about free speech?". Well, free speech rights and most other rights, here in the United States are limited. For example, we have the right to walk in public areas, but we don't have the right to walk into someone's house without being invited to do so. We have the right to say what we wish to say, but only in a public forum, not in a privately owned business or someone's house.

The common misconception about online services are that they are public forums. This is NOT the case. For America Online, it is a privately owned company. Even though it's shares are publicly traded, it is still a private company. DALNet is a group of people running privately owned and operated servers. It is NOT a public forum. This channel was founded and is operated by Nikki and myself. It is not run by the government. The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights do NOT apply here.

This is an international forum where we maintain the right to allow or disallow individuals based on what they do or say. Those who have been here for any length of time know that we allow almost anything. Those who complain and "bash" this channel are the ones who just don't want to follow the few, common-sense rules we have, and have been banned in the process.

I am doing my best to operate this channel as I would a business. I most certainly don't make any money off the channel nor this website (even with the sponsors page I don't). I keep my computer system running 24/7 to maintain the channel, and pay for the website space so there aren't ads being thrown at those browsing the site.

Below is a list of channels currently on the banned list. They are alphabetized by reason then name because we don't single out any channels. The reason for the ban will be listed with the channel name.

Here are how these channels came to be on this list:

  1. The channel promotes beastiality
  2. The channel promotes child sex
  3. The channel promotes hacking and has caused problems in the past
  4. The channel promotes incest
  5. Spambots have been in those channels multiple times, and the founders have done nothing to stop them
  6. The channel promotes password theft/phishing
  7. The channel promotes bigotry/racism
  8. The channel promotes killing

Note: The "name" can be a full or partial name. If found anywhere in the channel name, the script will kick.

Name Reason
dogsexBeastiality channel
asexBeastiality channel
babyChild channel
boyChild channel
childChild channel
kid (but not kandykids)Child channel
ltlgirlChild channel
namblaChild channel
pedoChild channel
teenChild channel
tyflasChild channel
young (but not younger)Child channel
saudi_hackersHacker Channel
dad (but not sugardaddy)Incest channel
daughterIncest channel
ensestIncest channel
familyIncest channel
fatherIncest channel
incestIncest channel
momIncest channel
motherIncest channel
oursexplaceIncest channel
bilboulKnown Spam Channel
desisexKnown Spam Channel
gimsexKnown Spam Channel
girlspotKnown Spam Channel
ircsexyKnown Spam Channel
klavyeKnown Spam Channel
klsexKnown Spam Channel
latinsexKnown Spam Channel
limasexKnown Spam Channel
manilasexKnown Spam Channel
netmeetingsexKnown Spam Channel
out2lawKnown Spam Channel
seksKnown Spam Channel
sexeKnown Spam Channel
sexmelayuKnown Spam Channel
sexoperuKnown Spam Channel
Sexy1Known Spam Channel
sidekick's_placeKnown Spam Channel
smkbintuluKnown Spam Channel
trivia_chatKnown Spam Channel
pass (but not passion)Password theft
aristocratsRacist Channel
naziRacist Channel
whiteorderRacist Channel
rapeRape Channel
killSnuff Channel
snuffSnuff Channel

Note: tyflas stands for: The Young Foot Lover's Adoration Society as found using Google